
"More young voices in regional Australia need to be heard, because it brings attention to issues that go unnoticed."

21 February 2020
1 min read

24 February 2020

Through the Findex Community Fund partnership with the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR), Findex supports the ABC Heywire program, which recently held its Youth Summit at Parliament House, Canberra.

Since 1998, Heywire has become a powerful place for regional and rural members of the community, aged 16–22, to share their stories, and make a difference in their communities.

The Findex Community Fund’s support of the ABC Heywire program and FRRR is closely aligned with our vision to create equal access to opportunity for people isolated by locations or circumstance.

At a time when many Australian communities are having to rebuild, we need to stand behind the rural and regional areas of the country more than ever. The Heywire program empowers young people, giving them a voice and forum to express the needs of their communities.

Findex has a vast regional footprint across Australia, and we understand the importance of bridging the gap between rural and metro areas. Through the Findex Community Fund, we are committed to unlocking potential in communities to help ensure and facilitate the success and sustainability of the collective population.

To gain some further insight into the ABC Heywire program, check out this video.