Estate Planning

Secure your legacy

Ensure your loved ones are taken care of by maximising and protecting your wealth with help from Findex estate planning experts.

If you’re ready to protect your legacy and secure your wealth, submit our contact form.

One of our advisers will be in touch.

By signing up, you agree that Findex will hold and use your information in accordance with its Privacy Policy, and consent to receiving information from Findex, which you may unsubscribe from at any time.


Reduce financial stress for you and your beneficiaries.

Distributing your wealth is often more stressful and complicated than accumulating it in the first place. Working closely with Findex’s estate planning experts, we’ll help you divide your wealth and protect your assets from losses using testamentary trusts and risk minimisation.

Our specialists know everyone has a unique life story, and yours is no exception. By getting to know your story and understanding your journey, we can create uniquely tailored solutions that address your needs today and help you prepare for unexpected future challenges.

But our commitment doesn't end there. Our financial advisers provide ongoing support and monitoring throughout your financial journey. By doing so, we help you make better short-term and long-term decisions with confidence and certainty.

Estate Planning
Estate Planning
Estate Planning
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Submit your form

Help us understand your needs. Your information will come directly to us, safe and secure.  

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Our team will contact you

A Wealth Solutions Partner will contact you within a few business hours to discuss your needs and book in a complimentary Discovery Meeting.  

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Complimentary Discovery meeting  

Undertake your complimentary Discovery Meeting where we’ll go through your goals, objectives and priorities in detail, to get the best understanding of you and how we can help. 

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We present our tailored Solutions to maximise your Wealth outcomes 

Meet your team of experts who present our proposed Solution. Review and approve your action plan with recommended next steps and indicative pricing. 


Working with Findex’s estate planning specialists.

Estate Planning

Protecting your beneficiaries.

Professional estate planning services ensure your assets reach the right beneficiaries at the right time.

Estate Planning

Mitigating conflicts.

By helping you divide your wealth, we prevent unnecessary conflicts between parties such as loved ones and business associates.

Estate Planning

One point of contact.

We’ll provide you with a dedicated estate planning specialist who will get to know you and will understand your specific needs.


You have the power to divide your wealth as you see fit.

Don’t take it for granted - nobody knows what life has in store for us. Get your affairs in order today.


Connect with a trusted financial adviser who will listen to your journey and help you divide your wealth effectively.

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Personalised for your unique needs

We seek to understand your individual goals, objectives, needs, and values.

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Over 100+ locations

With offices across Australia, we can service clients from anywhere.

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No hidden costs

We pride ourselves on ensuring that our clients understand and have full transparency of all costs.

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A total wealth management solution

We provide a comprehensive range of services and advice to help you manage, protect, and grow your wealth.

Get expert advice to protect your wealth.

Estate planning doesn’t have to be stressful. Work with an expert today.

Estate Planning