The Quest for Success: A winning franchise business model

25 years ago, Stephen Mansfield launched the Quest franchise in New Zealand and made it the top serviced apartment provider in the country.    

From the beginning, Stephen knew the crucial role that the right people would have in Quest Apartment Hotels franchise business success. Partnering with Martin Richardson, Findex Senior Partner in Accounting and Business Advisory, Stephen found a trusted adviser whose honest and transparent advice became the cornerstone of Quest's financial strategy and enabled that same honest and transparent advice to sift through to every franchise owner in the network.   

Today, Quest Apartment Hotels NZ has 42 successful franchisees around the country. With a strong team and a franchise model that offers opportunity, support, and a solid foundation, Quest embodies the ethos of being "in business for themselves, but not by themselves” – a principle that strongly resonates with every individual who decides to buy a franchise and become a part of the Quest family. 

By Martin Richardson

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