Accounting and TaxBusiness AdvisoryBusiness Software and Systems

Choosing the best software for accounting for small business

Nigel Smelie Nigel Smellie
22 November 2023
7 min read

From tight budgets to the need for streamlined processes, small business owners face unique financial challenges. In this competitive environment, selecting the best software for accounting for small businesses is not just a choice but a strategic imperative.

Join us as we explore key considerations for making the best choice, along with complementary business solutions that can enhance your operations. By the end of this journey, you'll be well-equipped to make informed decisions that catapult your business to new heights.

Key considerations for accounting software

Selecting the best business software and systems for accounting in small businesses requires a keen eye for the following key factors:


Imagine a scenario where you can handle complex financial tasks like navigating through income statements and balance sheets with minimal accounting skills. This is the power of user-friendly accounting software.

User-friendly accounting software is like a trusted friend who simplifies the complexities of finance. This efficiency saves you valuable time, which you can redirect towards other aspects of your business.


Your small business and your accounting needs are bound to grow with time. This means that your accounting software should be as dynamic as your enterprise. 

Scalable software seamlessly adapts to your changing requirements, ensuring outdated tools never hold you back. Whether you're expanding your team, product line, or client base, your software should accommodate the increased workload without a hitch.

Integration capabilities

In the modern business landscape, integration emerges as the linchpin of efficiency. Accounting software with robust integration capabilities is vital for streamlining your business operations.

This is especially important if your company runs an e-commerce platform, along with other systems like a CRM system, point of sale and inventory management tools. The software should seamlessly integrate with these systems, forming an automated synergy that simplifies financial tracking and minimises errors.

Compliance features

Tax season can be daunting, but the right accounting software can make it a breeze. Compliance features, such as built-in reminders and automatic updates, can ensure that your business remains on the right side of the law.

With these features, you can confidently navigate tax regulations, deductions, and submissions, meeting all legal obligation and leaving no room for costly mistakes or penalties.

Navigating the accounting software options

Choosing the best software for accounting for small business can take time and effort. The options available in the market are nothing short of diverse. Each accounting software solution brings unique features, pricing structures, and capabilities from simple, user-friendly platforms to more advanced systems. The key is identifying the one that aligns with your requirements and goals.

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. To narrow down your choices and find the perfect fit for your small business, consider the following factors:

  • Your budget

  • Size of your business

  • The complexity of your financial operations

  • Level of support you require

Also, consider whether you need cloud-based software for remote access or if on-premises software better suits your operations. Create a checklist that includes your must-have features and prioritise them based on your immediate and long-term requirements.

While you're the expert in your business, you need all the extra help you can get to navigate the ever-competitive marketplace. Consulting with accounting professionals, business advisors, or software experts helps you understand the intricate features of different software options to find the ones that aligns with your business goals.

Beyond accounting: Other business solutions

Accounting software is just one piece of the puzzle. To truly excel, you need to consider a suite of other integrated tools to boost your business operations. These include:

  • Payroll management: With dedicated payroll software, you can streamline the entire process, guaranteeing that your employees are paid accurately and on time. A reliable payroll management system saves precious hours and reduces the likelihood of errors leading to costly disputes.

  • Scheduling tools: Scheduling software simplifies managing your workforce and appointments, ensuring you have the right personnel in place when needed. Whether you're coordinating employee shifts or client meetings, this tool ensures optimal resource allocation, minimising downtime and maximising productivity.

  • Timesheets: Accurate tracking of employee hours and project time is essential for monitoring productivity, managing costs, ensuring fair compensation, and billing clients. Timesheet software provides a convenient and error-free way to manage these records so you can clearly see how your time and resources are allocated.

  • Job management systems: Job management software makes keeping your projects on track and within budget more manageable. It allows you to monitor project progress, allocate resources efficiently, and keep your clients informed about project status. This enhances project efficiency, reduces oversights, and improves customer satisfaction.

  • Payment collection software: You can seamlessly optimise receiving funds from clients with payment collection software. It offers various payment options and automates the payment process, reducing the risk of late or missed payments.

  • Business reporting solutions: Generating insightful reports is critical to making informed and timely decisions. Business reporting software provides you with valuable data and analytics.

Other systems include point of sale systems, client relationship management, inventory management, E-commerce systems and the list goes on. Although these are powerful tools for your business, it’s crucial to remember that they are only part of the puzzle.

As Joe Lyons, Managing Director of Xero, wisely noted, "Technology is only ever a co-pilot and not a replacement for advisors." These systems guide you, provide data, and streamline processes. Still, the expertise and guidance of professional advisors remain essential for strategic planning and ensuring you make the most of these powerful tools.

Software implementation tips

Selecting the best accounting software for small business is only half the battle. It's equally important to ensure the successful implementation of accounting software and related solutions into your small business. Here are some practical tips to guide you through the process:

  • Start with a clear plan: Begin with a well-defined strategy. Determine your goals, set milestones, and establish a timeline to see results. Having a clear roadmap helps you stay on track and minimise disruptions.

  • Take it one step at a time: Gradually introduce new systems to avoid overwhelming yourself and your team. This ensures a smoother transition and minimises disruption to your operations.

  • Invest in training: Provide comprehensive training sessions and resources to ensure everyone is proficient in using the software.

  • Expect and address challenges: Understand that challenges may arise during implementation. Common issues include data migration problems, user resistance, or technical hiccups. Be prepared to seek expert assistance when necessary.

  • Provide ongoing support: Post-implementation, continuous support is essential. Make sure you have access to a support system that can assist with troubleshooting, updates, and any issues that may arise as your business evolves.

In Conclusion

By choosing accounting software with the right blend of user-friendliness, scalability, integration, and compliance features, you can simplify your financial management and focus on growing your business. Don't forget to explore additional business solutions that complement your accounting software.

With the guidance of our experts at Findex, you can unlock the full potential of business software and systems. Start your journey towards optimised accounting processes and year-round peace of mind by scheduling a complimentary, obligation-free review of your business software and systems today.

Nigel Smelie
Author: Nigel Smellie | Partner

Nigel started with Findex in 2001. Nigel obtained full membership to the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants in 2007. As a Partner, Nigel offers business advisory to his client base. Nigel is particularly passionate about digital solutions and ensuring clients are able to obtain the information they require to make accurate and timely decisions. Nigel works across two offices Alexandra and Cromwell.