
Small & Medium Business View | Federal Budget 2020-21

Sarah Eltakchi
8 October 2020
1 min read

8 October 2020

Findex Associate Partner for Business Advisory Sarah Eltakchi and Associate Partner for Tax Advisory David Hall discuss the announcement of the 2020-21 Australian federal budget from the perspective of small and medium-sized businesses.

For more Federal Budget coverage and news as it comes to hand, visit our Federal Budget Resource Centre.

Author: Sarah Eltakchi | Partner

Sarah has been supporting business owners to achieve their goals for over 15 years. Sarah’s approach is all about providing you with a plan for the future and helping you navigate your way to identify and reach your goals. Working alongside her clients through out every stage of the journey, implementing financial and operational strategies, accounting and tax compliance, guiding, mentoring and providing direction at each stage of the business’ life – from startup, through the growth phase, and eventually to succession.