
Building a legacy of financial freedom: Nicola’s story of taking control

Nicola Thompson’s involvement with Findex started when she began attending financial planning review meetings with her father to help support him after her mother passed away. As immigrants, financial stability was important to her parents and, as she learnt more about the financial foundations they’d put in place and how Findex helped them do that, Nicola saw an opportunity to take control of her own financial future and pass on what she’d learnt to the third generation – her son, Ryan. 

Now, as a second-generation client of Findex, Nicola feels in full control of her financial future and, with her husband, is starting to prepare for retirement. But, perhaps more importantly, she’s passing on her trusted advisory relationship to Ryan and has instilled in him the financial values and confidence to put him on the path to financial freedom.

By Katrina Wroe

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